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What do we look for in a Brand Ambassador? - Part Two

One of our core values here at B23 is 'Work Ethic'. What we mean by this, is having a positive attitude toward your learning and development. That's why we always state on our job adverts that no experience in direct sales is required. We will teach you the systems you need to be successful, we just need you to be reliable, punctual and maintain what we call a 'student mentality'. 

We see it time and time again, candidates with the best work ethic go on to achieve a much higher rate of success, not only in their career but in their personal life as well. 

Are you the type of person who got up, showered and dressed every morning during lockdown? Do you make your bed every morning? Do you put aside time to maintain a healthy diet and fitness regime? 

These are the things that demonstrate your attitude to life. They may not seem like big things but they do make a difference. We've all accepted that we had days in lockdown where we just couldn't adult. We wanted to stay in our pj's and binge watch Netflix. It's ok to accept that those days will happen, as long as you pick yourself back up and focus again. 

These are the attributes that will make you incredibly successful in life and a strong brand ambassador. If you're showing up, listening and taking notes during coaching sessions, 'trying' to apply the skills being demonstrated by our leaders, then you will go on to achieve success. 

There's no shame in failing, only in not willing to try. We hammer this point regularly because tenacity is a key ingredient here. 

Why did we ask if you make your bed every morning? It's a proven marker that it increases your productivity for the day ahead. It encourages you to tidy the rest of the house and a tidy house means a tidy mind. It demonstrates that you are taking care of yourself and value the quality of your sleep. If this is your attitude to your day, then it will be your attitude to your work and that means we want to hear from you. 

Did you read part one of this article? You can catch it here if not;

What do we look for in a Brand Ambassador? - Part One (

You can find us on instagram: @b23_marketing 

Please do follow us and slide into our DM's if you want to join us. 


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